I took part in my very own Great British Sewing Bee-esque Creation Challenge this month as I took part in the Hillary's Blinds Country Crafts competition.
A beautiful piece of fabric arrived in the post and the challenge was to create what ever we wanted.... Crickey being creative is quite difficult when you have a completely blank piece of paper. I'm used to being creative but I usually have an idea of at least what shape or use the final object will have, but this time the possibilities were endless, crumbs!
I pondered for some time and decided on a rather cute clutch bag which would double as a padded iPad case. I even solved the ever annoying tangled headphones issue by putting a small zipped pocked disguised as a bow on the front which would be just big enough for head phones alone to fit with no jiggle space. With the dimensions calculated and rough design drawn I was ready to cut and sew, but then my little 3 year old son got ill.
He had chicken pox and suddenly my new clutch / iPad case (and actually the competition) was totally unimportant.
Whilst he napped on the sofa during his millionth viewing of Toy Story 3 I had an idea...
My son is spotty...
My fabric is spotty...
I should make my son a spotty friend.
So my new clutch / iPad case was set aside and I found a pattern for a teddy bear instead.
Et voila
Meet Mogo
"He has spots on his tummy just like me Mummy" my son chirped when he met him "his name is Mogo, Mummy"
Firm friends in their joint spottiness, Mogo has been everywhere with us...
Trips in the car...
Supermarket shopping...
Milkshake treats (he really likes butterscotch apparently)...
And he's even been treated to a sofa snooze under the duvet whilst watching Toy Story 3!
For me this was the perfect use of the Hillary's Country Craft fabric and I look forward to Mogo joining us on many more days out.
Thank you to Hillary's for sending me the perfect fabric to put a smile on my son's face xx
Monday, 31 March 2014
Sunday, 16 March 2014
Another Awesome Day at the Spring Knitting and Stitching Show
I had the pleasure of spending Thursday at the Spring Knitting and Stitching Show in Olympia London. It was another fabulous day. We entered the show when it opened at 10am and left at 6pm packing in 3 workshops, lunch, 2 cups of tea and a biscuit..oh and a few purchased, we were shattered.
So here's what I came home with
I was completely seduced by the fabric, there were almost too many choices, but picked these new fat quarters for patchwork. Got a couple of solids too (always find solids hard to find and they don't give me a that warm fuzzy feeling... but then I go to do patches and well sometimes you just need them don't you!) but they aren't very exciting so no photo
The workshops were fun too....
In 1.5hours I made a patchwork, quilted table runner - felt like I was on The Great British Sewing Bee with a time challenge - but just shows how much you can accomplish in a short time if there are no distractions
My last class was "Sumptuous Surfaces" it was a strange title and quite a strange workshop - we painted some glue-like substance onto bubble wrap and then printed this onto a special fabric. Then with a heat gun (never used one of these before, such fun) we burnt away the fabric not covered in the glue-like substance - we were left with this strange surface which we then spray painted. Not something I think I'll be trying again, but great to spend an hour literally playing with materials and tools I've never handled before - that's what the workshops are all about really - trying something new and maybe you will like it.
The workshops were fun too....
In 1.5hours I made a patchwork, quilted table runner - felt like I was on The Great British Sewing Bee with a time challenge - but just shows how much you can accomplish in a short time if there are no distractions
Love this picture - this wasnt a formal workshop but was on a stand they were offering the materials and instructions to make a picture for £5 (bargain). Love this. Not even sure it needs a frame - might just keep it in the wooden frame and hang it on the wall.
My last class was "Sumptuous Surfaces" it was a strange title and quite a strange workshop - we painted some glue-like substance onto bubble wrap and then printed this onto a special fabric. Then with a heat gun (never used one of these before, such fun) we burnt away the fabric not covered in the glue-like substance - we were left with this strange surface which we then spray painted. Not something I think I'll be trying again, but great to spend an hour literally playing with materials and tools I've never handled before - that's what the workshops are all about really - trying something new and maybe you will like it.
Think this is the 4th time I've visited this show and always love it..... roll on October and the Alexandra Palace Show.
Craft Show
Saturday, 15 February 2014
And the winner is.....
Congratulations, you've won 2 tickets to the Spring Knitting and Stitching Show at Olympia
I'll email you to get your address
Hope you have a great day
Tuesday, 11 February 2014
The Great British Sewing Bee returns for Season 2
oh, just a little
On Tuesday 18th February at 8pm I will be found glued to my sofa with a cup of tea and a slice of cake ready to watch the first episode of - The Great British Sewing Bee Season 2
If you didn't watch Season 1 last year you missed out on a treat - 6 competitors cut, hemmed, button-holed and designed their way through a set of challenges which would turn any sewing amateur pale
All commentated expertly by Claudia Winkleman -wouldn't you love that job????
Loved it
Loved it
Loved it
Can't wait for Season 2
![]() |
2014 Great British Sewing Bee competitors |
Thursday, 6 February 2014
Another fabulous #Giveaway
The lovely team at the Spring Knitting and Stitching Show have given me another 2 tickets to giveaway
These are 2 one day tickets to attend the event in London Olympia 13th - 16th March.
You could go with a friend or attend 2 days on your own
I really love these shows, if you haven't been to this show or one of it's sister events in Harrogate, Alexandra Palace or Dublin you are in for a treat!
I've been going to this show for a couple of years, there are stalls from big retailers and small enterprises; selling fabrics, yarns and accessories, its a crafter's paradise. But, the part of the shows I love the best are the workshops; I sign up for 2 every year, they are an opportunity to learn something new. This year I will be making a table runner in a 2 hour session and learning techniques to make Sumptuous Textiles (the mind boggles!).
So all you need to do is leave me a comment on this blog post and I will enter you for the competition.
For an extra chance follow me on Facebook and leave me a comment there.
Competition closes Midnight Friday 14th February and I will contact the winner by email.
Good Luck x
Craft Show,
Tuesday, 4 February 2014
Happy New Year and Quilty Fun Sew Along
Happy New Year
Feels a little odd saying that in February...what are the rules on Happy New Year, do you say it the first time you meet someone after the new year or is February passed the Happy New Year deadline....
I hope 2014 is treating well
So....I've been away a while, life got a little crazy in November last year. One of my peers at work was taken suddenly ill and I was asked to babysit their work and team until they came back in January. I must have been doing something right as I was asked to take over their work as well as mine on a permanent basis. Really great opportunity but I went from a cosy team of 5 to a team of 15 with 8 vacancies over night... lets just say I've been busy!
So not a great deal of crafting has been taking place here
Life has started to calm down a little as work becomes more stable and we all move into a new rhythm, I've even had my cutting mat and sewing machine out this week to continue with the Quilty Fun Sew Along I started last year.
The sew along is to make a quilt like this ...
The idea is that each week we make a new patch, with guidance from a quilting / blogging pro and support from a quilting book. But, I'm a little behind - I think everyone else is on patch 12, I'm just starting on 6. But hey isn't it the taking part which is important.
Here are my creations so far
(sorry about this picture quality....light is just horrendous this evening)
I'm learning lots of new techniques which is good fun and my cutting is certainly getting quicker and more strategic - 28 x 1.5" squares were cut this evening in no time!
That's it from me this evening but just ask you to pop back in a couple of days - I've got 2 tickets to giveaway for the Spring Knitting and Stitching Show in London
Thanks for stopping by
Monday, 18 November 2013
Project Update
I've been following a lot more crafty people and companies on Facebook recently, its nice to have a little crafty injection when I manage a 2 minute break at work to refresh facebook.

A favorite at the moment is And Sew We Craft, they regularly post funny crafty photos and this one really made me chuckle
It's so true...
Really got me thinking about all the promises we make to ourselves about not starting projects, I hear myself thinking this all the time but I rarely manage to actually see it through
Somehow my fingers manage to make their way to that new book or that new pile of fabric or just maneuver my car into the car park at the local craft shop...I surely cannot be blamed for these incidents over which I have little control?
Well in the spirit of desperately trying not to start anything knew, I thought I would own up to the projects which are as yet unfinished (but are well on their way!)
Ripple Blanket
I'm 120 rows in....yes really 120 rows I had to count twice....but I'm not finished. I don't really know how many rows I'm planning but is isn't quite long enough so I'm still going.
Lovely a warm to sit under and make on a blustery autumn evening
I'm loving the colours.... it's so Missoni
Lovely a warm to sit under and make on a blustery autumn evening
I'm loving the colours.... it's so Missoni
Liberty Quilt
Not sure I've shared this project with you, other than mentioning I'd bought the fabric and pattern at the Knitting and Stitching Show in October
As you can see it's a tree, I've cut out about 100 flower pieces, tree trunk and butterflies and am now in the process of applique-ing these on to a fabric sandwich...its actually not taking as long as I'd feared...
tree trunk done...now just the 80ish flower pieces to go!
tree trunk done...now just the 80ish flower pieces to go!
Loving working on this, and working with Liberty fabric is such a massive treat
Ok, so now I've admitted to my 2 mammoth ongoing projects is it a good time to admit I'm starting another one??
I will also point out right now that I have just joined the Quilty Fun Sew Along being ran by Lori Holt and a raft of quilty bloggers so yes I'm about to start something new....oh well it's the thought that counts right???
I will also point out right now that I have just joined the Quilty Fun Sew Along being ran by Lori Holt and a raft of quilty bloggers so yes I'm about to start something new....oh well it's the thought that counts right???
This runs right until March 2014!
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